Thursday, August 2, 2007

Bridge Down

A terrible tragedy yesterday. The bridge that collapsed. It is a terrible thing. My heart goes out to the people and their families. I am afraid that they may find more casualties as the days go on. I am sure too that in the coming days that the finger pointing will begin. I heard a sound bite from the NTSB news conference today it it sounds like they will leave no stone unturned in an attempt to find the root cause. That however won't satisfy some. They will demand and accuse to the point of ridiculous. It is a tragic event but I am sure that if the right people would have known that something like this was about to happen, they would have done something about it.

I, on the other hand, mourn the lost ones and truly hope that the investigation that is done will result in information that will keep it from happening again.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Tragic Plane Crash

There was a tragic accident at the Dayton International Airport last Saturday. Dayton sponsors an air show every year. It is a world renowned show. Acts from all over show up in Dayton each year. This year the event was overshadowed by a tragic crash involving Jim Leroy, a very famous stunt pilot. After failing to complete a stunt being performed with his partner in another airplane, Jim hit the ground and died from his injuries. It is a tragic event and my prayers go out to him and his family. I believe that this is the first tragedy from a crash in the air shows' history. Hopefully it will be the last.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Change of tide

We finished the baseball season this weekend. It has been a long hard season. The kids were ready for it to be over I think. They get tired of always being at the ballpark. They spend most of the summer playing baseball. These last few games they didn't plat with a lot of heart. Soccer practices have started and things just start running together. Now that the season is over it is a great feeling knowing that there are other things that we will be able to do now. Like vacation!