Saturday, December 8, 2007

Stir Crazy

Man I must really be bored. Laying here on my back I have resorted to watching old Laverne and Shirley episodes. Actually they are pretty entertaining. We got it from Netflix. There are six episodes ber disc so we will get our fill.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Back on my back

It happened again. My back went out. actually it's worse this time than the last. I have been laying on my back all week long. I had been doing so well. Walking really was helping. I had a few days where I was almost back to normal. Then I got busy with things and let myself slack off a little. I went for about a week and a half without walking at all and then wham! Now I don't know what to do. I wanted to give it a chance to straighten itself out but now it's been four days and no improvement. I called my surgeon and now I am seriously thinking about getting cut on. To be continued...........

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

OSU #1

Well, all the stars aligned and things worked out like they should. Ohio State is now #1 again and will be playing in the National Championship. I watched the Oklahoma vs Missouri and the Pitt vs West Virginia games and the outcome couldn't have been better for an OSU fan like me. We were hoping for one of the two games to go right and what do you know, both of them did. OSU vs LSU for it all. I can't wait to get my T-shirt.