Friday, August 17, 2007

Last Day

It was the last day of vacation, and it was a good one. The water was big. The only bad thing was that the water had moss in it again. It didn't affect me any because I just laid on the beach in my chair and watched the waves. I was reading a book and listening to Pete Fountain. (multi tasking) It is hard to believe that the vacation is over. We look forward to this for so long every year and then it's over in a flash. It will be back to the grind in no time. I guess that's life. It will be a long ride home. The part everyone hates. It will be good to be home sweet home. The animals are missing us I'm sure.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Vacation Update

The water has been good and bad. We have been battling the red moss stuff in the water. It has cleared up some from the first two days so things are better. The waves today were huge. You can barely stand up when one hits you. I stayed on the beach in a lawn chair because of my back. It was good. Hearing the waves and feeling the breeze made it nice. I listened to Kenny G and read a book. Pretty enjoyable. We are off to the Giggling Grouper tonight for dinner. I'll let you know how it was.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


We are on vacation! Another year at the beach. No hurricanes but it is hotter than can be imagined. The heat index is around 120 degrees. The humidity is extremely high. The middle of the day is almost unbearable. We have been going down to the beach in the morning and evening and trying to avoid it during the hottest part of the day. Our first two days featured red moss in the water so thick that no one would get in the water. It has since gone away and now the water is nice. The ocean actually feels cool unlike the pool. The pool water is not even refreshing. It is like a bath. The sights are as good as always. It is very beautiful on the beach. The sand is white like sugar and the water is emerald green and blue. This morning the water was like glass. I saw a few dolphins swim by. I have taken a number of pictures, one of which is with this post. Maybe it will cool down a bit before we leave for home.